Useful Leaflets and Apps


Fact Sheets

We have a number of useful fact sheets that you may find helpful.

Staffordshire & Stoke on Trent Care Services  Directory

The Staffordshire & Stoke-on-Trent Care Services Directory is a comprehensive guide to choosing and paying for care. It includes useful information and self help tips as well as listing all local homecare and residential and Nursing care providers.

Stoke on Trent - Housing Options for Older People

Stoke on Trent's Housing Options for Older People (6.87 MB) directory explains the different options available to help older people make the right choice to suit their lifestyle, needs and preference.


Avoiding falls at home looking at your home: mop up spillages; remove clutter, trailing wires and frayed carpet.  Use non-slip mats and rugs, use high-wattage light bulbs in lamps and torches.  Organise your home so that climbing, stretching and bending are kept to a minimum.  Get help to do things that you're unable to do safely on your own.
Falls information leaflet (125 KB)

Websites & Apps


Asksara helps you find useful advice and products that make daily living easier.

Care Match

Care Match is a website that links up professional carers, personal assistants, nurses and support staff and the people who need them.

Manage Your Health

This app supports patients to manage their condition. It can be used on android or apple devices, to answer commonly asked questions set by patients and answered by clinicians. It also uses computer-generated characters to demonstrate key points to help manage condition, such as effective inhaler technique.