Intermediate and reablement support

Intermediate and reablement support

Intermediate, enablement and reablement support services help those who have experienced changes to their health and their ability to self care as a result of illness, disability, injury or  spell in hospital.

These services work with people to restore their independence and re-learn skills, by addressing their physical limitations and using adaptations to reduce the overall impact on their life.

Support is provided for up to six weeks, free of charge where there is an identified care and support need. The support provided is tailored to each individuals needs  and the outcomes that the support seeks to achieve.

What is Intermediate Care?

  • Intermediate Care supports people with complex needs, who require professional interventions (eg physiotherapy, nursing support) to return to an independent life.
  • It mainly aims to give recovery and rehabilitation support to help people regain their independence when they come out of hospital or, just as importantly, prevent them having to go into hospital or being having to receive residential care.
  • Intermediate care can be delivered at home

What is reablement (also known as enablement across Stoke-on-Trent) ?

  • Reablement is more universal than intermediate care, many people who would not meet the access criteria for intermediate care will be able to receive reablement support
  • It helps people with less complex needs to develop confidence with everyday living skills (like washing, dressing, toileting, preparing meals.)
  • As the main focus of reablement is to develop the confidence to live independently, the service is delivered in the home.

What happens at the end of six week period?

At the end of the six week agreed period, your ability to manage daily living tasks will be reviewed. If there is a need for longer term support, a care and support needs assessment will need to happen.

Who do I contact for more information?

For more information on intermediate care and reablement you can speak to your social care contact or a health practitioner about this. You can also find out more in this fact sheet.

Stoke-on-Trent residents can contact an advisor on:
  • Telephone: 0800 561 0015
  • Email: