
Stoke-on-Trent All Age Carers Service

The All Age Carers Support Service will provide a one point of call for all carers. We will be working alongside a number of local partner organisations, Young Carers Assessment Team and Adult Social Care to maximise support and bring together services to form a clear pathway, ensuring carers receive seamless individualised support throughout their caring journey.  

All our support workers have extensive knowledge of carers, with some having specialised experience around long term conditions, drug and alcohol misuse, learning disability, mental health, parent carers amongst all other caring roles. Carers will also receive support from our telephone befriending service to help reduce loneliness and isolation.

Outreach groups and drop in sessions will be located in various settings throughout Stoke-on-Trent offering localised and flexible support preventing carers having to travel large distances to access support. Groups within the local communities will give carers the chance to partake in activities offering an opportunity to take a respite break, learn new skills, develop existing ones, and improve self-esteem and confidence. Encouraging carers to be connected and feel part of their local communities, they will also be aware of local services and how to access them.

Our long-standing presence in the community has allowed us to develop broad knowledge and local understanding, to ensure that carers are aware of the choices available to them.
To find out more about this service and what it can offer please click on the link below.

Stoke-on-Trent All Age Carers Service
or give us a call on 01782 793100