Adult carers
Do you need help look after a relative, neighbour or friend? Perhaps you look after your husband, wife, partner, a parent, or child if they are sick or disabled? You may not be the only person who helps to care, but if you offer necessary help, and are not employed to provide care, then you are a carer.
Support for you as a carer
Carers Hub supports carers in Staffordshire and Stoke-on- Trent by providing tailored advice, training and information.
They offer a whole range of support for carers of all ages:
- Carers assessments and support planning
- Social & health services
- Money
- Employment and skills
- Housing
- Mental Health
- Learning Disability
- Health and wellbeing
- Transport
- Facilitating social activities
Carers assessments
If you are a carer and you have a need for support then you can ask the Carers Hub for a
carers assessment. A carer assessment helps you to think about your caring role, how it affects your life and what support you may need. It's about you; it's not a judgement about how capable you are as a carer.
You can have an assessment in your own right as a carer, regardless of whether the person(s) you care have had their own care and support needs assessment.
Getting in touch with the Carers Hub
Carers Hub can be contacted on 0330 1231937 (calls are charged at a local rate) or email
Additional information
Carers may worry about what would happen if they had an accident or were taken ill and couldn't carry out their caring role. The Crossroads Emergency Service provides peace of mind to carers living in Staffordshire, by enabling them to plan for an emergency situation.
Anyone who has received a carer's assessment is automatically entitled to apply and the service is free.
Contact Crossroads on: